Accepted JB Admin Application (3 Viewers)

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Trial Gameserver Admin
Staff member
Trial Gameserver Admin
Jul 26, 2021
Username: Pure

Steam32 ID

Your age: 21 years old

Current playtime on relevant server(s)

Jailbreak: 14 days/336 hours

Link to your Sourcebans record

I don't even remember getting banned but I was 16 years old at the time

(If relevant) Who gave you permission to apply?

Server you are applying for
Jailbreak U.S.

TIME ZONE: Central Standard Time (U.S.)
Times Online: 5 - 10 pm during the week, anytime during the weekend

Do you have a working microphone?

Previous experience as Admin or Moderator
No experience in games, I own a discord roleplay server where I run a team of admins and mods.

What would you say makes you a suitable candidate?

Panda Jailbreak is the gamemode I play the most when I boot up tf2. I find it fun and I like the people I meet while on the server. I believe I fully grasp the rules, and can effectively work as a staff member. I've seen a lot of wardens and blus seemingly not knowing the rules, or reading chat when players are trying to convey them information, such as how they're breaking the rules. I believe I can be online when these incidents occur the most and curtail their frequency. I was guardbanned in 2019 for 12 hours, the listed reason being armory camping. I honestly don't remember doing this, but I was 16 at the time, and if I had to guess, I was probably playing on JB when my mom called for me, and I stupidly remained on blu team instead of going to red and ended up getting guardbanned. I haven't had any incidents or warnings in the 6 years since then though, and my ratio of successful rounds as warden to failrounds is pretty good. I

My punishments for offenses


1st offense: warning and a slap
2nd offense: 60 minute team ban
3rd offense: 120 minutes team ban
4th offense: 24 hour team ban
5th offense: week team ban

Mic Spam, Ghosting, General Toxicity

1st offense: warning
2nd offense: gag/mute for 60 minutes
3rd offense: gag/mute for 120 minutes
4th offense: gag/mute for 600 minutes
5th offense: perma gag/mute

Slurs: 12 hours mute or gag for first offense then perma mute or gag for second offense


Intentional: perma team ban

Accidental: 1st offense: 240 minute team ban
2nd offense: week team ban
3rd offense: perma team ban


Intentional: week team ban

1st offense: warning
2nd offense: 60 minute team ban
3rd offense: 240 minutes team ban
4th offense: 24 hour team ban
5th offense: week team ban
6th offense: perma team ban

I believe that gives you a good idea on my methodology for dealing with rule breakers. I hope you consider my application and I look forward to your response. Lmk if there are any further questions
Hello, Pure.

Looking through your history, you have no comms and only one ban which was from almost 5 years ago, so that's good. Your sessions are also pretty decent. However, I feel I may need to see more of you to finalize my opinion, plus crabf will likely give you the "what would you do with these reports" test when he gets the chance so that will probably influence me too.

Your stacking is my only major nitpick, but if you become admin that can be fixed with training. For reference, this is our stacking:

Comms & bans:
1st offense: 12 hours
2nd offense: 1 day
3rd offense: 3 days
4th offense: 1 week
5th offense: 1 month
6th offense: Permanent

Slurs do not having a special stacking procedure and follow the one above.

1st offense: 120 mins
2nd offense: 240 mins
3rd offense: 480 mins
4th offense: Permanent
Intentional MFK: Permanent + 12 hour ban
Accidental MFK: 360 mins first time, Permanent second time

I will remain Neutral for now.
  • Agree
Reactions: koe
Pure I don't think we had many games or really any "outstanding" moments throughout the sessions but whenever you were on I can tell you were at least optimistic? generally positive as a player however never really saw you outstretch your hand to other players to give them pointers at least from what I saw.
I believe you are a good player and if I see more of you in the following sessions I'm sure I'll be proven wrong rather than just looking at your chatlogs to see if you did. I want you to be that guiding hand to newer players and try keeping them in line through not as strict wording or punishments which Denzel touched on in his review.
As time progresses I'm sure my opinion will change, seeing you in game more often, etc. but as it stands as of now I think I'm gonna have to give this app a -1
Hi, I appreciate the application. I'd like to get more familiar with how you'd handle certain situations. I'll link a few videos below, let me know how you'd handle each one assuming you had admin buttons. Presume nobody involved has any prior history.

You've been even tempered, hard to provoke, and respectful within the server from what I have seen, I don't see a problem giving you a +1 as long as you continue to show signs of leadership, a positive outlook, and maybe make some reports? I hope you can meet those requests. Also, I would like you to participate in some suggestions from time to time here.
Hi, I appreciate the application. I'd like to get more familiar with how you'd handle certain situations. I'll link a few videos below, let me know how you'd handle each one assuming you had admin buttons. Presume nobody involved has any prior history.

Howdy, I am here to take my exam.

Scenario 1:

The warden stated to finish the game by 7:40. The offending guard, which was the pyro, shot the demoman at 7:42. I would warn the pyro not to get ahead of themselves, even if there seems to be no way for the red to finish the game by the specified time. Until the time of 7:40, the Demo is not kos and so the shot that led to his death constitutes a freekill. So yeah, a warning seems appropriate based on the context of this clip.

Scenario 2:

Not sure how accurate the righteous bison is, but the warden stated to kill anyone who is not on the yellow line. The sniper was fully on the red line so the soldier killing him, whether that was his intended target or not, didn't violate any rules.

Scenario 3:

It's hard to gauge whether or not the warden intentionally pressed the ff button. Ik I've mistakenly pressed it during my earlier days on JB, but the warden also doesn't follow up in chat saying something like "omg I accidentally pressed the button". LosLobos killing the warden was definitely an accident. He was whipping the warden and got extremely unlucky with the timing, killing the warden the moment ff was turned on. Mr. Freekill and Leps would be guardbanned for a duration, as there was no reason to start killing their fellow blus. The round has basically devolved into the hunger games so smiting everyone seems appropriate in this scenario, followed by guardbanning the warden and the two blus I named.

I hope I passed the test here. I'll be honest that second one seems like there was something I'm missing and I was thinking myself in circles trying to figure out what the correct answer might be.
Chatlogs look pretty good, solid answers to questions and great sessions. Looks like you've made a valid report as well with some calladmins here and there.

Record also looks pretty clean besides a random ban in 2019 that im not worried about. While you are awaiting a decision, I'd highly reccomend trying and submitting a few more reports if you are able to in order to give us a better idea that you know how to gather evidence and information regarding rulebreakers. Keep up the good work.
Chatlogs look pretty good, solid answers to questions and great sessions. Looks like you've made a valid report as well with some calladmins here and there.

Record also looks pretty clean besides a random ban in 2019 that im not worried about. While you are awaiting a decision, I'd highly reccomend trying and submitting a few more reports if you are able to in order to give us a better idea that you know how to gather evidence and information regarding rulebreakers. Keep up the good work.
I second this, all looks good. I'll be fine with a +1 especially after seeing you on server some.
I think you would be a fine admin, I just hope you can showcase more of your potential during the review stage, more reports more warnings etc
Chatlogs look pretty good, solid answers to questions and great sessions. Looks like you've made a valid report as well with some calladmins here and there.

Record also looks pretty clean besides a random ban in 2019 that im not worried about. While you are awaiting a decision, I'd highly reccomend trying and submitting a few more reports if you are able to in order to give us a better idea that you know how to gather evidence and information regarding rulebreakers. Keep up the good work.
Roger roger, thank you for the feedback!
Good answers + a seemingly inoffensive applicant. I will give a +1 on the grounds that during your review process you post up some reports. You've already got a couple for now, and that's good, it would just be better to have a larger sample size.
As previously stated, reports will demonstrate your ability to identify rulebreakers and shows us you know how to gather information in a pinch.
Good luck with the app.
Hello! I am sorry it took so long for me to respond. I was leaning neutral at first, as I didn't recall much playtime between us to make proper judgement. But lately I've managed to have you in-game with me, and you actually made a really good impression, I must say! You have a good understanding of rules and overall seem pretty cool and kind. +1 from me, good luck!
Hello! I am sorry it took so long for me to respond. I was leaning neutral at first, as I didn't recall much playtime between us to make proper judgement. But lately I've managed to have you in-game with me, and you actually made a really good impression, I must say! You have a good understanding of rules and overall seem pretty cool and kind. +1 from me, good luck!

Thank you very much, I appreciate it! Y'all keep catching me late at night where I mostly play on red since my fam is sleeping, so I worry if I come off as timid 😅
Heya Pure, Unfortunately i am extremely busy this week and dont have time to give you a big response. but you seem like you have the capacity to be an admin

That's all the required feedback, time to place this under review.
Any questions or inactivity during under review please let me know. Good luck ::):
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